Small Animal Services
- 24 hour on-call service
- Thorough physical examinations
- Travel examinations
- Consultations
- Vaccinations
- Diagnostic workups
- In-house bloodwork (CBC/Chemistry/T4/Snap Tests), urinalysis, fecal analysis, digital radiographs, ultrasound
- General surgery (spay (OHE), neuter, c. sections, abdominal exploratory, bladder stone removal, laceration repair, tumour removal, limb amputation, etc)
- Dentistry (consults, exams, digital x-ray, extractions, prophylaxis – cleaning and polishing)
- Full pet food line (highest quality foods only), Veterinary diets (special diet needs), pet health supplements, treats, supplies and toys
- Boarding (on a limited basis)
- Referrals for more specialized cases
- House calls
- Pet-loss care
Large Animal Services
- 24 hour on-call service
- Thorough physical exams
- Full pharmacy (vaccine, antibiotics, vet supplies)
- Surgery (castrations, prolapse repair, Caesarean sections, abdominal exploratory, eye enucleation, hernia repair, etc)
- Pregnancy checking with ultrasound, allows for higher accuracy and is faster and safer
- Bull Breeding Soundness Evaluations / Semen Testing
- Farm visits and herd health evaluations
- Vaccine protocol & reproductive synchronization consultations
- Equine dentistry power float
- CFIA Accredited for Exports to the U.S.A. for swine and equine
- Livestock handling system (indoor and outdoor)
- Bovine Tip table for trimming cattle feet
- Maternity chute for Caesarean sections
- (2) Ultrasound Machines
- Portable X-ray (used in clinic and on farm)
- In-House Blood Analyzers
- Small Animal Dentistry unit
- Small Animal Ultrasound unit
- Doppler/blood pressure monitor
- Anesthetic monitoring system (ECG, EtCO2, SPO2, Blood pressure, temperature)
- Dedicated surgery suite with isoflurane anesthetic machine, electronic monitoring system, IV fluid administration system, temperature regulation system, surgical suction unit
- (2) Fully stocked 4X4 trucks with portable Bowie vet boxes